Lesson Plan

Asking and Answering Questions

This lesson helps students learn about asking and answering questions about a text. It also exposes them to valuable lessons about trying to figure out their dreams and not giving up along the way.
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Asking and Answering Questions While Reading pre-lesson.
View aligned standards
Need extra help for EL students? Try the Asking and Answering Questions While Reading pre-lesson.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to ask and answer questions in order to understand the problems and solution of a basic text.

The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners.
EL adjustments


(5 minutes)
  • Ask the class, “Have you ever felt sad and left out of your class at school or a group of friends?”
  • Call on a student and ask if they can tell a one minute story about how they felt left out.
  • Tell the class, “Today we will be learning about a boy named Tony and how he felt left out in his family and his class. We are going to try to figure out the problem, what is wrong, and the solution, how we can fix it, in the story.


  • Offer a visual of being sad or left out.
  • Create a teacher-led small group for students to explain a time they felt left out.
  • Allow students to share experience in their home language (L1).
  • Display a word bank of key terms that are typically used when students feel sad/left out. For example, recess, friends, ignore, lost, confused, embarrassed.


  • Put students into partnerships or small groups as they share a time they felt left out.
  • Provide sentence starters for the discussion portion:
    • A time I felt sad/left out was when ________.
    • My feelings were hurt because ________.