Science project

Homemade Vacuum Chamber


  • A mason jar
  • A metal-cutting tool
  • Super glue
  • Rubber stopper with a hole through the middle
  • An electric pump that is reversible so that it can suck air in or pump air out
  • Various candies such as Peeps, Crème eggs, M&Ms, etc.
  • (optional) Other small objects or materials


  1. Cut a circle in the top of the mason jar that will just fit the rubber stopper.
  2. Insert the rubber stopper into the top of the jar.
  3. Place a candy, such as a peep into the jar.
  4. Screw the top on tight.
  5. Place the nozzle of the pump into the jar through the stopper.
  6. Evacuate the air from the jar.
  7. Turn off the pump promptly. Continuing to suck in air after there is none can damage the pump.
  8. Take observations about the candy.
  9. Repeat the experiment using other candies, or other things, such as eggs, water, fruits, or CDs.
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