
Candy Corn Pumpkin

What You Need:

  • Construction paper (black, green, brown)
  • Lots of candy corn
  • Scissors
  • Glue (optional)

What You Do:

  1. Have your child cut out leaves and a stem for their pumpkin and place the cut-outs in position on the black construction paper.
  2. Pour the candy out onto the table and have your child practice counting. Then, quiz them on their number knowledge by showing them different quantities of candy and challenging them to determine the total number of candies.
  3. Ask your child to "draw" with the candy. They can start with the outline of a pumpkin shape and then fill it in with the rest of the candy corn. Try to keep the candy corn in one layer, without stacking.
  4. If they'd like to keep their mosaic pumpkin as a finished work of art, they should glue down each piece of candy, the stem and the leaves.
  5. However, if they'd rather eat the candy, have them invite some friends over to share their piece of edible pumpkin artwork!

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